Dreamaway Camp II: Crossing the Threshold

 We hosted Dreamaway Camp: Crossing the Threshold LIVE in February 2023. FROM PARTICIPANTS...

"After attending Dreamaway Camp, I made more money yesterday in a single day then I have in 2 months combined!"

"Dear Haley, since Dreamaway Camp, I started waking up at 6 to work out, meditate, tap, and journal, and I couldn't be happier!!! I automatically go to sleep early and wake up early. My boss is talking about raising my salary. I started studying again after being too scared of failure, and I love my life!"

*Scroll down to read MORE testimonials about the programming from participants.

AND NOW, we're hosting another live replay! This is your chance to get Dreamaway Camp II at Live Pricing ($111 off) and join us for a live replay. After purchasing, you'll immediately have access to the replays, so you can do it on your own time or wait til the weekend of February 9-11th to join us live. Or, do it twice!

LIVE PRICING OFFER ENDS January 31st at 11:59pm ET.



We often hang out at the line between where we are now and where we know we COULD be. This could be in regards to your habit, big brave action, a brand new step in your life - you name it! The fear of success is real: when you’re going beyond what you’ve done before, and it has effects that are beyond what you’ve experienced before, your subconscious mind will halt the brakes like never before. (This could be in one area of your life, or in all areas).

In Dreamaway Camp, we’ll be clearing this fear and these limiting beliefs from every angle, ACTIVATING you to cross the threshold to whatever big goal / ideal reality / ideal “you” you’ve been thinking about. You will feel a major shift over the sessions, renewing your life force and your sense of power, ready to welcome in magic with open arms.
To achieve this, we will heavily and expertly utilize a modality called EFT Tapping, rooted in Chinese Medicine. EFT releases fear, stuck energy, and old emotions that are attached to limiting beliefs in your space, which allows your brain to rewire. This is highly effective, and I have hosted group EFT tapping sessions consistently since November 2021, leading to MASSIVE shifts for participants like:
  • Spontaneous raises spanning from $12K-$20K+ at work
  • Dream jobs and opportunities popping up like wildflowers 
  • A surge in social media views and exposure (over 1 million in one night is our record!)
  • A deeper sense of peace and a “lightness” of releasing funky, muddled energy
  • so much more. Please peruse testimonials from Dreamaway Camp specifically at the bottom of this page!
Think of Dreamaway Camp as several Slingshot Sessions, all tailor made to get you to the next level. 

The sessions of Dreamaway Camp:

Opening Ceremonies / Vision Board Masterclass

Live Replay Time: Friday, February 9th. 5:00-6:00pm.

 In our “camp kickoff,” we’ll set intentions for your next level, do some tapping in prep for the upcoming changes, and do a vision board workshop to fully bring your "threshold" intentions into center energetic view. You'll learn everything you've been doing "wrong" with vision boarding so that you can make your most potent vision board yet! This vision board will serve as your phone or computer wallpaper. IF YOU PURCHASE ON OR BEFORE 11:59PM MAY 1, 2023, HALEY WILL TAKE A PERSONAL LOOK AT YOUR VISION BOARD AND OFFER FEEDBACK.  


Releasing Resistance to the Best

Live Replay Time: Saturday, February 10th. 11:00-12:30pm ET

This is a potent 90-minute EFT tapping session, specifically around clearing resistance to the best of what life has to offer. This will begin with a powerful visualization meditation to observe your dream life, and then we’ll take note of the major pieces of resistance that arrive. 

Often, the subconscious is concerned with the magnitude of the dream life and all that comes with it. This is experienced in our space as resistance energy: the "blah," a heavy feeling, a sense that you've "hit a wall," and general discouragement.

In this powerful session, we find the ROOT of the resistance...then clear it. For you, this resistance may be based in worthiness (do I deserve this?) or in safety (can I handle this, or is this safe?) - or even both! They're SO normal and we all experience them to a certain extent.

When we CLEAR the resistance energy related to the limiting beliefs, feelings of freedom and clarity happen quickly. It then becomes far easier to experience divine intervention, inspired action, synchronicities, rapid manifestations, and more - because you're energetically CLEAR and your subconscious is READY!


S'more Success: Easily Experiencing Our Numerical Goals

Live Replay Time: Saturday, February 10th. 4:00-5:00pm.

This session is dedicated to NUMERICAL GOALS. You get to choose - this could be related to money, sales, daily habits, fitness goals, social media following - whatever stands out to you! Here’s the thing: numbers always show up in our goals for the year ahead when we get down to the specifics. This could be as straightforward as “I want to work out three times a week” or “I want to start making $5K in my side hustle.” NUMBERS, BABY! 

Numbers are ENERGETIC and RELATIVE. This session helps your subconscious brain to see your numerical goals as not only POSSIBLE, but TOTALLY EASY! Once that shift occurs within, you'll be amazed at how those numerical goals become numerical REALITIES.


Crossing the Threshold

Live replay time: Sunday, February 11th. 2:00-3:30pm ET. 

Finally, we'll fully activate your next level - in a way you probably didn't expect. We will begin with some EFT tapping (of course) specifically around feeling WORTHY of the next level and integrating your “new” (wink wink) identity, then we will do an extremely powerful visualization meditation to guide you to the next level.

 You also will have access to a CAMP CARE PACKAGE, complete with a daily tapping video & a quantum leap meditation. If you're new to EFT tapping, there's an EFT overview video included in the programming as well. All sessions include AFFIRMATIONS related to the rewiring work that you can add to your ThinkUp app.

QUESTIONS? Email [email protected]

What Dreamaway Camp Attendees Are Saying:

After attending Dreamaway Camp, I made more money yesterday in a single day then I have in 2 months combined!


After just 2 days of Dreamaway Camp, I've gotten a ton of freelance opportunities AND an interview offering twice as much as what I thought my "dream job" would be offering...I can't wait to see what else EFT will bring.

Dreamaway camp was my first experience with EFT (tapping) and after the weekend I was hooked! During the sessions, I could feel the energy being cleared and released from within me. A month and a half later, I am finally starting to feel like myself again after month and months of anxiety. I honestly think just clearing through stagnant energy has made me feel much more free and lighter. I love everything that Haley does and her bright and joyful energy. Who knew that doing the inner work could be so fun and feel so safe with Haley. Thanks for all that you do!


This was truly one of the best manifestation program I ever took! Haley is such a kind hearted person and this show through the program! On day 1 she gives us an exercice for vision board and then she personally corrected them for us! The visualisation we did, the tapping it all just felt so mind-blowing, I was smiling the entire week after Camp! For me it was the multiple visualisation we did, in one of them you truly embody your future self and this has been a trampoline for me, allowing me to be more brave and do the things I was so afraid of doing! Also we spend so many time tapping and rewiring our brain I was finally able to implement a daily routine with taping and meditation! The entire vibe of the camp was epic and I honestly cannot wait to do it all over again! Thank you so much. ❤️


I got two full rides to law school and a 75% scholarship to my top choice the day after Dreamaway!


Leading into Dreamaway Camp I didn't know what to expect and admittedly fostered a bit of resistance as a consequence, but as soon as it was announced I knew - I felt - that I had to attend...I had also never done EFT before so I didn't know what it would be like or whether it would have any benefits. And now I can safely say, EFT and Dreamaway Camp changed my life! After the second session (Releasing Resistance) the energy and reality of my life COMPLETELY shifted. I'd been writing my novel for a while at this point but could NEVER get past the first two chapters, and I was the reason I kept stopping myself. After Dreamaway Camp, my energy aligned truly aligned. To try and describe it, I felt like I had embraced my vortex. I was in the energy of my higher self, of my dream life. I was in THE FLOW. The momentum. My dreams became clearer, felt closer, and the results manifested into my reality with my word count truly beginning to increase like never before. It was all within my subconscious and limiting beliefs, and Dreamaway Camp was the catalyst for me overcoming these. The Releasing Resistance session brought fears of mine to the surface that without it, I would have never consciously recognised. Dreamaway Camp helped me to understand how EFT works, and that you have to get into your subconscious, unearth and sit with those limiting beliefs and fears, and then tap it all away, replacing it with rewired, positive thoughts.


Looking at my vision board every day makes me so happy! I've never felt super connected to my vision boards in the past and this one feels SO different. I've genuinely noticed that the super high numbers I edited into my bank account and business sales page don't look so big anymore! Also I got a $39,000 tax refund LOL — my subconscious said "You're right, you CAN handle large sums of money! Here you go!"


Dreamaway Camp was so freaking amazing AND personalized even though it was a big class! And like a hope infusion!


My mind, body, soul, spirit is in SHOCK in the best way haha! New life level unlocked!


All the tears. Some therapeutic. Some joyful anticipation. All amazing.


Life changing feels like an understatement!!


YOU ARE ON FIRE. The workshops of Dreamaway Camp have felt different from anything you have created. I feel like I'm in a new level just from the last 24 hours with you.


Just wanted to say that after Dreamaway Camp, I set my action plan into motion and DID EVERYTHING ON MY LIST. It came easy. I've been working on me, my healing and my continued business growth for years and this was the layer I needed. I think we will work together forever!

$444.00 USD

I understand that by clicking this box I accept the Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) Disclosure, Responsibility Statement, & Client Agreement 1. I understand that Haley Hoffman Smith is not a licensed counselor, psychologist, therapist, medical doctor, nutritionist or any other medical professional. She has no formal training in these fields and she does not portray herself as such. 2. I accept complete responsibility for my emotional and/or physical well-being before, during, and after sessions, and I will instruct others with whom I share these techniques to take the same responsibility for themselves. 3. I agree that it is my responsibility to notify my therapist and/or psychical prior to using these skills and agree to their supervision if suggested. I will continue to take all medications as prescribed and remain under the care of my physician or therapist for any medical, emotional, or mental condition for which I am currently being treated or believe I may need treatment. 4. I will not use these techniques to try to solve a problem where my common sense would tell me it is not appropriate. 5. I take full responsibility for what I do with these techniques and will hold harmless Haley Hoffman Smith or anyone else associated with the techniques, from any claims made by myself, or anyone whom I seek to help. Subject to the other provisions of this agreement, I may use any of the techniques on behalf of others or myself. 6. No refunds will be granted after a purchase is made. 7. I understand that by booking with Haley Hoffman Smith, I am agreeing to the above terms. I voluntarily make and grant this Waiver and Assumption of Risk in favor of Haley Hoffman Smith.